Creating a “Get To” Mindset
After signing your first book contract and enjoying the excitement and elation that goes along with that, reality hits that you actually need to DO THINGS to be ready to promote your book when it’s released.
One of those things is marketing and promotion. Like many writers, I LOVE writing, but marketing and promotion is not necessarily something I enjoy. Rather, I tend to view it as a necessary evil to help spread the word that my debut middle-grade novel, Premonition: The Gift, is being released in May. But as my release date sneaks ever closer, I’m realizing that preferred activity or not, promotion is SO critically important—not only for the success of your first book, but for your next book and next book…your entire future writing career!
No pressure, right? 🙂
So what does “promotion” really look like?
Of course, it includes the more well-known, “normal” things like posting on social media, connecting on Instagram, building an email list, and even creating a newsletter like this one.
But it also includes a whole host of other things that I hadn’t even thought about: creating a book trailer, developing an informational “sell sheet” to share with libraries and bookstores, completing my author website, planning a book launch…and so much more!
Needless to say, the path to publication can feel a little (or a LOT!) overwhelming from time to time. But at the heart of everything is MINDSET. And let me tell you, changing my view of marketing and promotion from a “necessary evil” to an amazing opportunity changed everything!
Here’s how:
“Have To” vs “Get To”
Try this: Say or think, “I HAVE to do X,Y, and Z.” Did you feel that innate, crushing feeling of responsibility, overwhelm, and even hopelessness pressing down on you?
Let’s flip it on its head and try again.
Say or think, “I GET to do X,Y, and Z.” Did you feel the difference? The immediate surge of positive energy, excitement, motivation, and even hopefulness? Sound hokey? Perhaps. But as the old adage says, don’t knock it til you try it.
I have found this super simple technique to be a game changer in both my writing life and my personal life. Here’s a quick, real-life example:
- “I HAVE to create a sell sheet for my meeting with that Indie bookstore next week.” Just reading this fills me with a sense of dread! I can literally feel the overwhelm, the negative energy, and the self-doubt crowding in, and my procrastination starts to soar! But as soon as I intentionally shift to, “I GET to create a sell sheet for my meeting with that Indie bookstore next week,” I have an immediate sense of joy and excitement. I am meeting with a bookseller! I GET to create my own beautiful sell sheet, detailing my book and introducing myself as an author and, hopefully, encouraging her to buy copies of my book to display on her shelves. What an amazing opportunity!
And, this doesn’t just work for your writing life, it can be a total mood-changer for your personal life as well. Check it out:
- “I HAVE to walk the dog.” The negativity just flows right through the poor dog’s leash! But when you change that to “I GET to walk the dog,” you can almost feel the bounce in your step as unconditional love for your pooch and relaxing time together lifts your spirits.
See what I mean?
Mindset is HUGE no matter what task or activity you are tackling, so take advantage of it and kick procrastination, overwhelm, and negative energy to the curb!
This month, I challenge you to ditch all the things you HAVE to do and embrace all the things you GET to do.
I’ll start! I GET to create 100 bookmarks for my June book launch. 🙂
Now it’s your turn…
What do you GET to do this week? This month?
Drop me a comment at
I would love to hear from you!
See you next month,
EC Quinn
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